Why are Iranians So Heated When it Comes to Politics and Iran

There is only one way to get rid of the mollas and thats with an invading army of true believers, with force, there is no other way because the molla cult and their a few million member cult followers are armed to their teeths, and now they have imported, Iraqis Lebanese Afghans and others to brutally crack down on decadents in Iran, we saw it in many demonstrations where the riot "police" who beat and shot the demonstrators were not Iranians themselves, even Iranian fundemantalists wouldnt do what these other crazies did, so there is only one solution to the molla problem, that is WAR do not entertain any other ways, WAR is the only way to get rid of this molla cancer, there are no moderates there are no hardliners there are no those who sold out to the Evil One, they are all compromised and a complete house cleaning is whats needed. I know I am speaking to deaf ears because very small number of you have eyes to see ears to hear and logic to use, but Prophet Mohammad said, the Evil One will be active in Iran in this age of time and its more than true, the Evil One has a firm foot hold in Iran today, as many other places but in Iran too, I know this for a fact and as long as all these many corrupt elements are active in Iran, Iranians and others will continue suffer under these criminal elements, who do you think actually control the heroin trade from Afghanistan, its all going right through Iran, and the mollas get their cut of the trade, and have you also not noticed why many mollas say, Esfahan and Tehran is one of the worst most evil places in Iran, even in their own Shia prophecies its stated these places are evil as hell, and in the  same Shia prophecies they mention that places like Qom and some other cities are where the good people will find refuge, refuge from what ?? from the Evil One of course, the mollas wont say it this directly because they are scared to speak up, but this is what they are hinting to, they know the Evil One is in control of many places in Iran but they dont dare speak out it openly and think about it, if the mollas were in full control of all of Iran, they surly could repress these other places too, but in reality they know they cant because there is an understanding between the grand molla of Iran and the Evil One, they both have share in the control of Iran, so in reality the grand molla of Iran and many other mollas not all of them but the established mollas compromised with the Evil One, many minor mollas do not like this deal but they have no other choice but fall in line or get assassinated, this is what is going on in Iran, its complicated and a huge mess, nothing anyone can just fix, the whole damn place is in need of total disinfection of all kinds of corruption, there is no other way, as I said stop wasting your times entertaining other ideas because it will never work because you all are starting on the wrong end, the whole System is a cancer, and what is going on in Iran is the same cancer that has infected all of Middle Eastern countries, they have the same exact problem Iranians are facing, so they also need the same exact solution, all their leaders and systems must be removed and renewed from bottom up.
