Why Is Abraham Considered the Father of Mankind?

Pay close attention to what you are hearing friends because you can get into the mindset of certain peoples world view, I didnt say Jews or anyone else, I am referring to a cult here and their distorted world view and like any other cults, they have made themselves believe the world is revolving around them, Judaism has nothing to do with what I am saying here, so dont get confused, not all Jews believe what some of these others believe. To start with he said the world was created 2000 years before Prophet Abraham walked this earth, this alone should discredit him, but lets go on, the second false statement was this, he said Prophet Abraham was the first Jew, which he was NOT, Prophet Abraham was a Semite, not a Jew, the Jews come from the Semites and not the other way around, Arabs are Semites too, but not Jew, Prophet Abraham had two sons, Esmail and Isaac, the Jews (tribe) came from Issac and the the Arabs from Esmail, this is common knowledge but this ribby is trying to distort history, which they always do, but the false teaching of him doesnt stop here, the title of this video is, Why is Abraham considered the father of mankind, this is the title of this misleading teaching of his, because a Jew should know better and why is that you ask, because, the word man in Hebrew is Adam, Adam mean man, so who is the father of mankind, its in the word, Adam of course, I am addressing my friends to put culture and affiliations aside if you want to get to the truth, getting stocked with these people in your own communities will never get you to the ultimate truth, because I am proving their own lies time after time with some of the nonsense they teach young Jews and many of these points I am making can easily be proven, so why are you following these incompetent leaders in your communities, the actual community you need to seek out is the larger community of mankind and not those who are excluding you depriving you from learning more, more of the truth not more of more lies, if I were you, just keep yourselves to the Torah and thats it, everything outside it are nothing but lies, trust me on this, its true.
