The Pentagon's upcoming UFO report, explained

Lets just assume that the UFOs we see is all real, and lets assume they came here from more than just one place but from more than two three different places, if this is true, which I believe is, that there are many different alien races keeping an eye on whats happening here on Earth, next question is, with all these different races and schools of thought, because I am sure they all want something that perhaps the other races are looking forwards to, there must be disagreements there too, I am sure some of them want to be more visible and some not so, some perhaps wants to kill us all off and some not, the question is, what have made them to cool down and not do any of this, I believe something much greater and powerful than they are keeping them all in check not to do something out of order, because think of it, these aliens must have been here for a very long time, and all this time, they havent done anything extraordinary, they have been good at covering their tracks because there are not many traces of them left, my understanding is, something even more powerful than they have made a thing or two very clear to them all, to stay away or else, it doesnt mean that they all have obeyed what they have been told to the letter of the word, but what we all know is this, they havent gone fully so called public, they have kept hidden, from what I know is, the ceasefire will be lifted and thats when hell be broken down, and imagine you are of the evil one of the bad aliens who also hated our guts for a reason or two and wants to kill every last one of us and have been forced to wait for a very long time till the vail is lifted, imagine how sinister sadistic they would then behave, then we have the good aliens who dont want us dead, and they have been waiting for a battle too for a very long time, now imagine all these forces get down on the surface of this planet to battle it out, I can tell you, there are some very well connected evil bastards here who will take the side of the aliens because some of the false promises they have been given, so this Final Battle will wage on all fronts with nukes going off with all the means at peoples disposal will be used in some shape and fashion, from what we know is, the good guys will win this battle, because that powerful force that has kept all these in check and in their places has to be something very powerful something all of these aliens fear not to cross otherwise the bad aliens would have already gone to war by now, and this very powerful force has to be good too, and if this powerful force would have us all gone, it could have done so at any time, but it hasnt, so I think we are in good hands, a battle will be waged and this very powerful force will make sure the bad guys wont win, damages will be done for sure but we wont lose the war, we will win, I have a hint this war will wage soon, personally I believe there are more than just aliens who will take part in this Final Battle, this will be the battle of all ages, hell is gonna break loose its gonna get nasty for both the wealthy and the poor equally, personally I believe the wealthier you are the more trouble you will find yourself in because there then you have a target on your back from all kinds of forces, nobody will care going after the poor, they will come in the middle of all this but the aliens and other beings wont directly go after the poor, they will go after first the wealthy, because I am sure there are those who both like and hates them, the aliens and other beings that is and also some humans but mainly these others, anyways, good luck.
