Dixie Fire Continues to Grow, Merges With Fry Fire in Northern California

Wouldnt it be better to pour sea water with salt in it over areas where you want less vegetation to grow making things less dens because after a burndown and with all the fresh water poured down over these areas will only make the vegetation grow faster next time, I think from the helicopters and airplanes used to combat these fires, they could load their aircrafts with abundant sea water and use that instead of freshwater, another tip to conserve freshwater I would suggest you ONLY use your water sprinklers to water your grass and gardens at night time instead of day times, because at night where there is already high humidity in the air with no direct sunlight to evaporate the water you rain over your gardens and greeneries, the water you use will be together with the high humidity will be absorbed much better with the ground where the roots of the plants are than when you use it in direct sunlight, and what you perhaps do not know is, when you water your greeneries in direct sunlight you are actually harming the grass flowers and the vegetations, because the water drops on the leafs and the grass and the flowers works as a lens and it burns the things you want to give life to, so its better if you water them at night time, in this way you save a lot of fresh water and do other other goods I mentioned, but who is there to listen, government officials dont give a damn, because its not their own properties so why would they put in efforts to change things for better, politicians thrive in chaos, then they can go and hold speeches making themselves look smart needed and sought after, so they can demand higher wages with higher taxes, they are such useless free loaders, so you people need to put pressure on them and demand changes needed, you want to save water, I just told you how, and an hour of sprinkling at night is enough, you dont have to have it on and waste water for hours, start with 30 minutes and see if you need an additional 30 minutes to keep things green and nice, good luck.
I should have run for governor here, I would have made everything just soooo nice, but I am leaving, I have a book to write. baby :)
