The Tabernacle | Full Movie | Drew Dimmel

I am asking you Christian friends, does this sound like Jesus the one you say is God, did the Jesus we all know sound anything like this, was Jesus jealous of anything ?? can the Creator whom created this universe and all the heavens (dimensions) with one Word ever get Jealous of anything ??  the answer to all this is of course not, because God is beyond any weaknesses, the God I have slightly learned to know at least, and does God of EVERYTHING need a place to dwell in, when He exist outside His creation and not inside of it, or do you think what He was saying was that, build a holy place for Him to remember Him always, my argument is that the Torah was altered, and my argument comes from the what is left of the Torah itself, there you read the children of Prophet Jacob whom title was Israel got lost in the desert for 40 years, when it take a dummy to get lost in, because if you want to walk from Egypt to the Holy Land all you need to do is to follow the coastline and within 40 days you will reach the Holy Land, but God made the Israelites the 600 000 of them all go lost and you read in the Torah why, because they disbelieved on daily basis, after everything God gave them and made them witness, and the reason they got lost for 40 years was so that two generations of them would get wiped out as punishment and the remaining would revert to believing again, its all in the Torah friends, not my words, so the argument I am making is, this generation of disbelievers is it really hard to believe they and their rabbis also altered the Torah to what we have today, I say have no doubt about it, this is what happened, during this trip from Egypt to the Holy Land, that generation also changed the Torah and thats why Jesus was sent to correct these false statements and you know what they did to the guy, and they still hate him, so they wrote the Talmud and said all those nasty things about him in it, these are the things you should know, the Torah of today is NOT the one God gave Prophet Moses, and for those of you who are more familiar to what happened with the Israelites who fled Egypt to the Holy Land, Satan was right there walking with them, he never left their sight, he was there all along, do you think he just stood there and made no efforts to corrupt them, of course he did, but as you know, the Jews dont believe in the Devil nor in Hell, you all have heard them say that.
I am not talking about these things to offend anyone, its just the truth of what happened, I am doing you all a favor instead because when time comes, only the truth will set you free, and in it is where you will find true salvation, so dont get upset with me, I am doing you a favor with this.

Another contradiction, in the Toray of today you read God threatening and cursing the fathers the children of wrong doers but Jesus in the Gospels tells you that every person is responsible for their own sins, it doesnt pass on from father to son.
