Former CIA Officer Mike Baker on Afghanistan Withdrawal

What Mike is not adding to his argument or explanation and one could wonder why he never added this is the fact that Trump made the deal with the Talibans to be inclusive with the Afghan government, basically no one actually believed the Taliban would share power with the government, no one believed that would happen, but Trump took the word of the Talibans and in return they asked of him to release thousands of jihadis from prisons, Trump agreed got bamboozled and with the extra thousands of hard core jihadis they took over everything with in weeks and here we are today, this simple fact many on the right do not want to come to light, they dont want the facts to be known, why the Talibans took over Afghanistan in such a short time, you can argue about everything else, but this is why it happened the way it happened, President Biden is one extraordinary man, I am telling you this, there are reasons his administration nor his opponents can touch on why he pulled out, the real reasons why, and its not fair, because it touches upon the allied military industrial complexes and the enormous amount of money they are making of these never ending wars, and its not fair that these reasons cannot be touched upon by even those in the System that wants to do good, which President Biden is part of, but I unlike him can touch upon these issues, and I am telling you how brave the man was not to waste an extra day in that place, saved the tax payers here shit load of money and lives by just pulling it out at the right time, his critics would want to stay there forever, one of the arguments is that to keep an eye on China, well I dont think you have to spend 300 million dollars a day to keep an eye on China from Afghanistan, for 300 million a day you can build two spy satellites every day all year long creating good paying jobs here to do the same, what I am saying is, its a waste of money, the reason to spend 300 million dollars a day is NOT to keep an eye on China, the reason being is the many contractors these (real actual socialists) who would like to be given government handouts in the billions, thats what it is all about, not to keep an eye on China, we already know what CCP is up to, you dont need to spend 300 million a day to do that, now with 300 million a day saved, we can actually pass the infrastructure bill, its unbelievable so many people here are actually insane, they argue against saving 300 million a day wasted on nothing absolutely nothing at all but they dont want to spend a fraction of that on improving their own living standards with new roads bridges broadband internet, things like healthcare day care less taxes, I dont think I never will get in your minds to see how it works, you Americans are one of a kind I am telling you, you are like no other people I have come across of, I dont think nobody has, whats the matter with you, pass the infrastructure bill create more and better jobs and do whats right, and you too Joe, why are you bringing these fools on air when they keep hiding the actual facts ? 
