Free Heroin, Cocaine & Meth Are Being Distributed to Stop Overdoses

Its a good start but you have to go all the way, with this move you have made the streets safer by not forcing the drug addicts to commit crime to get the funds to buy these drugs, so this is good, but because you are not producing your own drugs locally legally by the state, you are funding criminals in other countries and by that making (their) streets less safer for their citizens, its rather a selfish act I say, a type of colonialism, and its not fair, what you need to do is go and push your politicians to let the state produce these drugs locally and distribute it for free, in a daily small amount that is, and if I were you, I would have demanded these addicts to put down a little bit of work daily a couple of hours a day to clean the neighborhoods too, to get the drugs they need, I can assure you, they will all signup for it, two three hours a day to get free dugs, they would gladly be helpful cleaning up and make things nicer, and much more safer, you are on a good way but you need to take it all the way, good luck now ! :)
