Biden Unites Democrats Cold Open - SNL

I think is so unfair to blame President Biden for what happened in Afghanistan, I know this region and I have followed the situation there for over two decades, actively ! if it was up to me I would have done precisely what President Biden did in the situation he found himself in, recall it was President Trump who made the deal with the Talibans to release over 5000 Talibans and other jihadis six months before President Biden took over, what did you expect would happen with thousands upon thousands upon hard core jihadis now out and free to seek revenge, this is what President Biden found himself in, not to mention it cost 300 million a day to stay there, what would have you done if it was your own personal money ?? the tax dollars are peoples money you have been entrusted to manage, if it was your own money you would have done what President Biden did, you would have done it two decades sooner, but when it comes to other peoples money all of the sudden some of you lose the sight of any sense of mind, like if someone would have given you a credit card to spend as you will without thinking, it has to be payed back somehow, no wonder the country is going down in the shitter with higher consumer prices, the man President Biden just saved you tons of trouble.
And I hear some give credit to President Trump for the Talibans not attacking US forces, this is falsehood, the credit shall go to me, I told those loyal to me over one and a half years ago not to attack any US forces, the military here knows about it, they should credit me for this one too, I made all this happen, so I dont understand why the military is so unfair and not telling people the truth that there are many factions in Afghanistan that are loyal to me, and those who are not, I will deal with them at a later point, Gods wrath will be upon them because the sight of the goodly life and here after is beyond their perception, thats because they have lost their ranks.

In any rate, people should credit President Biden for being a brave man, a man whom loves his country and is not afraid to make the difficult decisions, he did the right thing, credit him for it, be fair folks !!!  
