'Daily Show's' Klepper reveals what happened at Trump rally

I am gonna offer another kind of analysis, and I absolutely believe in what I believe saying here and I say this with a heavy heart and I am not a hater, because God judges people by our intentions, and a hater will have no place in anywhere near God in the hear after or in this world for that matter, a hater a jealous person does not understand the fact that you are opposing the blessings of God upon another person and that will make you stand against the will of God, yes even the billions of the very rich people for good or worse is also actually a blessing from God Almighty, a blessing quickly can turn into a curse too, it depends what you do with your first blessing, look every single creature on this planet was created for a purpose to do a duty, even your pets were created to do a duty, your pet cat your pet dog were created to serve you in some capacity, perhaps they made you feel better and take you out of your depression, to save your life in some way, you also was created for a purpose to do a duty, a duty that you might not have noticed it in the past or what you will do in the future and to fully come in grasp of your purpose you need to have an open mind about your environment, getting attached to one sound one ideology preached to you by your leaders regardless who they are, you are doing yourself a disservice, you need to target the world and take the best of all that is to offer, its easy to be close your heart and mind to all that the world has been taught and go with whats been presented for you to follow, the smart and the wiser ones will always remain in minority, because how many smart school mates do you have in your classrooms ultimately, not many, and its always the very few who will have the better ideas that will come to change things for the better and achieve something of value, for myself predicting the future is easy, study all the holy Scriptures and be honest about the reality of the world you find yourself in right now, be a dot connector and picture start to clear up.
On a personal level I have very little hope in the current political leaders from all sides, after what you have seen in this clip and we know its real, because I have met too many of these like in the clip, and I have to say, some of the MAGA people are actually very good people, and some just EVIL with wicket souls, souls that easily has been corrupted, and those who are professional corruptors they know what to say what to fill the minds of these others to fill them with rage, and rage is the right word, but some other of the MAGA people, some I actually liked, not because what they believe but because they think they are doing the right thing in terms of what they are doing is for the betterment of all mankind. I remember some time ago I talked extensively with one of them diehard MAGA person and the subject of Myanmar came up, and the first thing he said to me was " but thats where the global pedophiles are stationed, as their operating base" then he went on to say, there are videos where at night the pedophiles are transferring children back and forth from the White House, and I asked him, have you seen the video of at night children are taken back and to the WH, and I saw on his face that he had doubts about the authenticity of whatever he saw, but then he firmly said yes, that he had seen it, there I thought to myself, ok this guy is not a psycho, he is in fact a pretty intelligent person, he is even a Godfearing person, the man is a good person deep in, but what have made him come to this state that even though he is unsure of what he saw he still firmly believe some of the things he is claiming, just like this old dude who said the plane in the clip was a balloon one and that the horned guy that got arrested is also the afghan guy waving in the video, the difference between that old man and the man I talked to is that, the old man in the video looks like a loon, the guy I was talking to could be your lawyer or someone likeable that you would otherwise vote for if he ran for office, a man you wouldnt believe or think of would harbor such baseless ideas, like what is going on in Myanmar is a secret war between the "good guys" and the global criminal pedophile rings, but thats what he truly believed in, or was brainwashed to believe in, and this guy is sooo MAGA so much into it that he now has turned against Trump because he and others now like him doesnt see Trump as MAGA enough, they want to take it to the next level, they told Trump to step aside little boy, you are not extreme enough for our taste, I dont believe Trump MAGA is the end of it, MAGA has evolved to something much more extreme, and these guys want to cleans the world of evil as they see it, and I didnt see any racism in them, not at all, they see it as a spiritual war, so there are many elements of what some on the right has evolved into, and what to the leaders on the left do in their right mind, I will tell you, because they believe they are doing the right thing too, in their minds, and you cannot convince them of otherwise, the leaders on the left, are promoting immoralities left and right up and down in the name of progress, with abortion at any stage because as they say, its the womans body and its her choice to decide what to do with what life what sacred life form that is inside her, or to promote so many other deviations that puts you directly up against the commandments of God, what has happened here is, the wise the middle road God has prescribed for us the sustainable path forward to a better world has been derailed completely by both extreme sides on the left and the right, and this is what has always happened when empires are about to collapse, we are witnessing it as we speak, again I am not a hater I am a warner I report on what I am seeing and people like us never get too popular by the masses but I am sure I have my own flock of friends who understand who see what I see, the question is what can be done about it, my philosophy is as it goes, as long as there is life there is hope, not the kind of hopeless illusions some of these self serving bling politicians has in plans for me, ohh no, they and I are very different, they cant see past the next coming election, its like a game of chance, they are addicted to it, in different to them I on the other hand make both short term and long term deposits because as I said, we all serve a purpose, we all have a duty, mine is to do after what I have seen, do everything differently to them, because they have failed us, so I ask you friends this give me the authority and vote for the one I ask you to vote for, sometime I will have to ask you to not vote at all, to sit this one out, sometimes what I ask of you wont make sense at the moment, we need to show them all who the king maker is, it has to be up to us, they must understand we are here to stay and we are going to change the whole world for the better regardless what the corrupt ones think of it, and trust me, we have their attention friends ;) lets put that to good use with Gods help, God willing, I think we can save this country regardless what the Red Dragon the one whom the elites have chosen as their savior have in mind.
So dont vote for anyone till I ask you to, we are going to show them who the king maker is, its you and I, put your trust in me and God willing we are going to change things for the better eventually, but till then, we need to get more of their attention, it looks like they have forgotten what the deal was to begin with, these politicians.
Thank you :)
