‘Squid Game’ set to become Netflix’s most-streamed series ever l GMA

In my opinion it just shows how mentally sick so many in society are, this is an expression of the mental status of so many, I dont in any measure state this because I have been a victim of these games, I never had felt sorry for myself ever, but from the day these reality shows came on air I never liked it or could bear watching even one episode of any of it, and I could never understand those who liked wasting their time watching this crap, and I noticed those who liked watching these programs and also those who liked watching horror movies that they were very weak, unstable with huge amount of personality disorders, I just wonder how many percent of those watching these programs and movies are on anti depressive medication, I bet its most of them, people have personal issues and when they see others in pain hurting they take pleasure in it, like these video compellations where people do stupid things and gets hurt, they are super popular, people laugh  it gets highest ratings, its sad to see but again it all reflects how sick human kind has become or perhaps you have always been this way, look not even the angels understood why God created this race, even they had questions, next question that is related to the first one is, why did God allow this Satan character to have its way with this race, it would seems unfair but when you think of it, its not, God and everyone else knew this wont end well, not for the majority that is, He knew human race will screw things up badly, but we were after all also given the gift of free will, so its not unfair, its most fair for all, it just is, but you will screw it up anyway, and as a curse He let this Satan, and here is something I have to make clear, sure Satan in Hebrew means adversary, Eblis is NOT an adversary to the Creator, he is a little jealous fool that not even God need to destroy him personally, He can just send someone else to crush him, it would be more humiliating this way, God could just with one word have him turn into anything He wants, or nothing at all, as if he never existed, but that would be too polite, too kind, so He wants to send a message, that even His much minor creations can defeat this idiot, Eblis, but because God the angels and others knew human kind cant even handle a gift like free will and will mess thing up as we can see in society all around the world right now, he allowed Eblis to have its way for those foolish enough to believe in his vain promises, and I will let you know the mindset of those who have taken Eblis as their master.
The female handler I grew up with, whom I thought was my mother for 35 years, she and all her siblings, men and female were active Luciferians even her daughter whom I thought was my sister, she even named her own daughter, guess what, Helya, pay attention, Hell Ya, Hell Yeah, got it, this female handler they appointed to me, the shia mollas and others from the west, because the Luciferians are active, EVERYWHERE ! I have had discussion with her just about anything, and some time she reveled more than she wanted to, she is a "practicing" shia, she is an agent of the molla regime, a very high ranking one as well, because not anyone would be given my custody to raise me, it must be one very disciplined loyal and a loyal piece of work, and she was selected, because of her family ties, as I said, all her sisters are witches, her brothers ALL were married to witches and their daughters most of them as far as I know were also practicing witches, so they have that in the family, and listen to this one too, you gonna love it, this female handler of mine, went to Saudi Arabia for "pilgrimage" and you have no idea how well the Saudi regime treated her, think about it, a Shia mortal enemies of the Saudis was treated like a queen, and the same with the Shia mollas in Iraq as well, when she went there to do her "pilgrimage" too, now that should tell you everything you need to know about who actually runs the world, but let me continue, so I was saying, I had long discussions with her about faith about these kind of things, but I am gonna keep this short because I want to keep the best parts for when book comes out, but here is some of it, one day we were talking about Paradise and Hell, and she accidently said, people like me wont go to Paradise, and I played stupid because by this time I knew something was going on, I was already told she was not my mother, I knew she was taking her orders from elsewhere, so I knew already alot but I played stupid and said, why not, you are offering your prayers on daily basis, you are covering yourself up modestly, ( I knew she wasnt, I knew the whole town had sexual relations with her, she is known as the whore of the town, she had fucked so many it could be in the thousands) I will tell you more about it in my book, I told her, a good believer as you (lol) why would a person like you enter Paradise, and she told me, I wont, I know I wont, its too late for that, I of course knew what she meant, she was referring to the betrayal of me, and the things she had done to me behind my back.
This is the power of Eblis and his followers, they are made to believe Hell is a place that is not that horrific after all, this is what they are made to believe, they are made to believe there is room of enjoyments in Hell as well, and the more evil acts you commit the closer to Eblis you will come to and there will things be much finer, and its not to say these "Muslim" believers are not aware of what is clearly stated in the Holy Quran, they know it better than you and I, because I have seen so many of these high ranking Luciferians spending hours on ends a day reading the Holy Quran, but as much as they read and study it, God have made them blind to memories and notice the simplest of statements in it, God has stated that, repentance is ONLY accepted if you do something wrong and repent on this spot and not commit the same sin again, then He goes to state, do not think you can when your life is about to end repent and believe He will accept it, He very clearly stated that this will never happen, so repentance is ONLY if you recognize you have done wrong and repent right there on the spot or forget about it, you are gonna pay for your mistake, but while I grew up with this woman, I remember she from early age was programming me that, God is so merciful that even just when you are about to die, if you repent He will accept it, this is what I was told from childhood, but if you read the Holy Quran, the exact opposite is true.
At a later point I will explain to you how the Luciferian doctrine has entered basically ALL mosques, all houses of worship, I know you will have a very hard time believing in what I am about to state for now, you will later come to the same conclusion, the fact that basically all your religious leaders are corrupt as hell is, true and as pure as faith in God can be, is NOT to be found in any houses of worship today, or never was, I dont think it ever was, its something you have to do on your own, and if you are smart and lucky enough, you will with Gods help find it, I will talk more about it at a later time, for now good bye :)
