What cult expert thinks about the anti-vaccine movement

What I have noticed is that not one single cult member after they have escaped mind control and captivity in that regard has completely left the mindset they were programmed to be in, I have seen cult members quitting for a while but after a couple of years fall into another trap by their own doing, its like drug addiction, they cant just quit, I have never seen it at least, its worth mentioning there are different levels in which a cult member can be trapped into, 80% of the cults and cult members are the type that are seemingly fully normal people, they dont attend all the meetings "self improvement programs" but associate themselves in one way or another with the larger group, and when they do it revolves around sexual activities, its where they quickly find partners and these relationships usually dont last that long, a couple of years at best, but I have seen longer term relationships holding but they constantly are busy fighting one another, but in order to officially belong to any of these groups (cults) you have to renounce God and anything godly, you have to embrace the Other Side, and to prove that the Other Side exist is so very easy and simple, it take no efforts at all, its like Free Masonry, you MUST believe in a higher order to be allowed to join the group, because anyone with any sense of mind any semi intelligent individual and you have to be more than just semi intelligent individual to join Free Masonry has to be awake enough to realize, we are not alone on this planet, only a complete ignorant person would think we are, but like in Free Masonry, at the lowest levels you dont have to believe in the Devil, that comes later on, but in order for them to have any use of you, you must be at least intelligent enough to recognize, there are higher powers, the Luciferians they call the devils for, those who are better than us, this is how they describe them, referring to them, well they are wrong of course, the Devils the Jinns are NOT better than us, we humans have superiority over them, thats why The Devil Eblis got jealous and rebelled and brought many of his kind along with him and together with the ignorant humans will join him in Hell, but as I said, it doesnt take much to recognize these entities exist, its too easy in fact so easy that one of you should ever bother do something foolish enough to get their attention because if you do, you will turn into this moron guest who I bet is still very much connected to some kind of cult right now pretending he is not, the question if there are other entities or not is not a question here, the question is how do you navigate around it in this life, and the answer is simple, you turn to the Creator, this man said he is a Jew and therefor he doesnt believe in the Devil, he is making it sound as if no Jew believe in the Devil that he exist, the mainstream Jewish belief is that Hell do exist but they believe the majority and you can blame this on their Talmud, they believe that they only will spend a very short amount of time in it and then they will be taken out, some other Talmuds they believe Hell is in this life, some dont believe it at all, they made it so simple for them lol the real Jewish believers they are fully aware of the Origin Story of our race, they know all about it, they know who tricked Adam and Hawa to get near that tree, there is no mention of an apple, only a tree, and that tree can be metaphorically too, we dont know but the word tree was used, so lets say it was an actual tree, doesnt matter, the fact those who know do not want to talk about openly, not even your religious leaders and thats why I have no respect for any of them, because they are not telling you about the Origin Story of us fully, because they are afraid of death, they want to cling on this life and be in a position of power get praised by their followers and thats where they get their kick from, I am talking to YOU Muslims now, but it goes to others as well, but YOU Muslims first, have you noticed after every Friday sermon at your mosques, after your imams have preached and is about to leave, how quickly people gather around them and treating them as if they were royalties, and have you noticed in the eyes of your imams how much they love being praised and respected, I can tell you, thats why mostly why they wanna become preachers, they want to be looked up to, thats where they get their kick their high from, and that shouldnt be the reason why you want to become a leader of a community, they are there to get their asses kissed, let me be frank with you friends, noticed the behavior the arrogance behavior of your religious leaders after a sermon, not all are that arrogant, I have seen Christian pastors just being normal behaving melting in amongst their community after a sermon too, but Middle Eastern traditions and its people bring this kind of behavior out of people to go and kiss the butts of their leaders to get closer to them in hope of something after a sermon and these leaders take advantage of it, you are encouraging it, you should stop, dont go to these mosques when you see your imams behaving like they do, and these leaders I have no respect for, because as I told you, they never touch upon the real issues, like how long ago it was when Adam and Hawa walked this Earth, is this not an important question, have you ever heard any of your imams talk about that, the reason they dont want to touch upon this question is because they know, if they do, you will have tons of other following questions they DONT WANNA inform you of, you got it ??and why is that you think, why dont you figure it out, I am sure next time you will have tons of follow up questions, I am doing you a favor here, next time dont let this question slip their minds, and if they dont want to fully talk about it, I suggest you stand up and walk out of the house of worship you are at and never come back, these Muslim imams do waste hours on end talking about for example, how you should hold your hands while praying, on dumb questions like that they do spend hours at end on but when it comes to the real stuff, they dont even go near it.
Let me in to sentences explain for you friends the philosophy behind how you should purify yourselves stand and hold your posture while you pray, you have heard your sunni your shia your whatever dominations you belong to explain how you for example should was your feets your hands your head so on so forth and at the end how you should hold your hands while praying, you have heard them say you should take your pinky finger inbetween your toes wash it in a certain way and all these ritualistic ways to purify yourselves, and each denomination have their ways, they all want to stand out like your corrupt imams, in the Holy Quran God only said, wash your hands up to the elbow, wash your feets up the heel and (wipe) your heads, He didnt say anything else, he didnt say go through all these ritualistic ways to prepare yourselves for prayers, and when it comes to how to hold your hands, its just a matter of standing up nicely straight in a respectful manner, not to hold your hands over your hears or like a dead mummy or whatever, the idea is just to stand there clean nice straight with all the best intention to glorify your Maker, thats the philosophy behind it, but your imans they have the time to spend hours on end wasting everyones time talking about nonsense but when it comes to the real important stuff, like how did we get down here, when was it, who were those people before us, and where are we on our way to, if you knew the answer of these questions, then you have a very good chance navigating the traps putt in front of you, dont give your religious leaders a way to escape answering these questions, and if they dont answer all your questions, and I am sure you have hundreds of questions, and if they cant answer it, then you know they are up to no good, you should then leave them and let the dummies stay around wasting their time around these cult leaders.
