When are you officially dead? Quran Answered before science - There Is ...

It is true as stated, when you fall into sleep your soul is taken elsewhere, its no longer in your physical body, God the Creator said He takes it, where I dont know but its no longer there, I can testify of something, every time I go to sleep, I ask God to take it and show me what is to come, or a glimpse of it, like whatever He can offer I'll take it, I am not too picky, just show me something, and it has happened when I ask God to take me a to a good place, and there, guess who is there, Eblis, the Devil, I am sure God didnt take me as requested to that Good Place, but He took me where Eblis was, dont ask me the reasoning for it but it has happened, I think why that is, I'll keep the reason for myself for now, perhaps I'll share it in my coming book that you all should look out for, I am half way finished with it I am almost there.
The reason I commented on the issue raised in this video is because its true, He takes your soul, and in His (Supreme Wisdom) He takes you to where you might learn a lesson or two., because I dont know if you have noticed, some dreams are so intensive where you feel awake and alive as if it was happening here in this world while you are awake, if you have had that experience without fooling yourself trying to convince yourself of something that never happened, you know what is real and what is of much less significance and meaningless, so do as I do, before you go to sleep ask God to guide you through out your dreams and if you are lucky, you might also notice a thing or two, but be careful !!! Eblis and his devils could also be there, if you see something unholy going on, you know you are NOT in good company, try to learn the lesson then.
I am telling you friends, the Holy Quran is like no other book out there, its so simply written yet God touches upon all things in it, and do is so beautifully, masterfully, and in Arabic its poetic, Arabs had never heard anything like it, thats why 99% of them believe in it, but not act from it, Prophet Mohammad said, at the end of days nothing but the name of Islam, which is the Holy Quran, will be left of it, the Book is there, but only in the name, not in deeds and action, I am an action guy, I wanna be like it, you do as you want, on the Day of Judgment no one else will bear the consequences of your deeds but yourself, and on that day, Eblis the Devil will say to you that he never forced you to do anything, you did it all by your own will, and on that day you and your Eblis will be as powerless as you before your Maker, then you will finally realize where authority rests, with your Maker your Creator, the One NOT three, you should have paid attention more to when He told you to follow the simplest of ways, now you will realize you made it difficult for yourself, when easy street would have been the preferred way if you had the smarts to see ahead of you and not just what is presented for you by those like you, anyways, dont want to see you and dont want to be like you, peace :)
