I am very sad to report that here in the Philippines I met a woman that had invested or gambled I should say around 23 000 dollars in Bitcoin, she lost everything, her childrens savings on this stupid game, and she is not the only one that drank the koolaid, she bought the false promises of some people and played away the future of her family, I heard the now has to sell her house she left in collateral, now she and her family are forced to move into a little rental house, perhaps only one single little room somewhere, I feel so bad for her kids right now, and again, there are millions like her who basically gave away her lifes saving to the early investors, listen carefully !!! I am NOT saying go now and buy cheaper digital currencies, absolutely not, there is NO blessings in this kind of false fake money, not in this life or the next one, remember why God put you on this earth, to pass the Great Test and then move on to the next level, dont fail the Test, eat little but eat always dont get greedy, good luck.
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