ALARMING: UK Passes Despotic New Censorship Law | SYSTEM UPDATE

I have come out with a plan to make the tyrannical regime in Britain shake in their boots and a few months Russell Brand brought it up and in his report on the matter he said a million Brits had signed up for it, I suggested you all should pick a month in a year where all of you dont payments to any company, not paying your bills for a month, no rent no nothing, just for that month, and when the idea get picked up by more people you dont pay your bill for two months, sure they will fine you for the month you didnt pay right in time, no problem you pay the fine but next year you all on the same month do it all over again, when you do that, it will become a thing, and thats what you want, for it to become an irritating thing that the news later on will be forced to bring up and talk about, but you dont give up, you just continue and spread the idea to as many as you can, imagine half of Brits on a particular month dont make any payments to show their dissatisfaction, this is golden, you are the majority, show it to them, spread this idea further till it get more traction, if this goes global it will be just fantastic :) 
