Is A New Cold War Coming? w/Alastair Crooke fmr Brit ambassador

Race worship nationalism and just sheer ignorance is the cause of all these ethnic conflicts, in case of eastern Europeans and I say this because I grew up with them, they have been brainwashed since they were born that Russia Russians and anything Russians is like evil reincarnated, those eastern Europeans childhood friends I grew up with didnt know shit from shit, they didnt know when WW2 started and ended but a hatred for Russia that they had no doubt of, and this hatred the NeoCons and NeoLiberals are fully aware of because its mainly western media that dictates what the eastern European mainstream media broadcast and these people grow up hearing their parents their mainstream media constantly putting out there nothing but negative statements about also the Russian people, these people or the ignorant ones of them literally hate even the Russian people too for communism and all while they are not told the Russian people were themselves the main victims of that atheistic ideology, the Russian people unlike many white cultures have been holding on firmly to their Orthodox beliefs, which is a good thing, I myself rather live in a hard core Christian society than a fake or an atheistic society, I would have gone along just fine with such people, and I think this is another issue the far left seculars have taken an issue with the Russians, they both want their souls taken away from them and their vast natural recourses so when they had Yeltsin in power who danced to their tunes a bit they thought they are half in stealing everything from them, then Putin came in and put an end to it all so naturally they hate his guts for it.
I think its not much about ideology but more of a spiritual war going on, those who can keep their honor and dignity by not selling their souls to the Evil One will have a chance to come of this age of tribulation which I believe we are at the start of right now, I think we have entered this age, you can also call it the age of deception , look it should be simple, we are told the peacemakers are the blessed ones, meaning the warmongers like Crazy Haley are clearly the opposite of the peacemakers I am describing in fact she is so evil the Devil himself rolled out the red carpet for her, to guide her straight to Hell. 
