Judging from the Xray pictures if its not faked it looks like a biological organism of a sort, could be alien, I can only speak for myself from what I have seen, in the Pacific Ocean tree or so miles before I reached Hawaii I saw a cylindric object dive from the sky at 45 decree angle between 100-150 meters next to my boat right in front of my focus view without making a splash no sounds no nothing, the way I work and also as a solo sailor that must not do mistakes to stay alive one at least I am most rational, you have to be not to make mistakes because you have no one else to rely on but your own abilities, so when I saw this object diving right before my eyes my first thought was, ok an aircraft dropped something, while I was waiting for the splash and the sound of it, it never came, and I thought ok what the hell was that, I couldnt categorize it in my mind, an alien object was the last thing I thought it was, I thought about it for a few more seconds still couldnt explain what it could be, then I rewinder what I saw in my mind, I excluded the idea of an airplane dropping something, that was my first thought, the sky was clear no colds I couldnt see anything above me, then I started to think why it didnt make at least a splash forget about the sound of it even though months before I saw a big tuna fish from three times the distance or perhaps more jumped like a torpedo almost 90degrees out of the waters back down and I heard a huge splash even from that distance, it was a sight I can tell you beautiful, but this much much bigger object made no splash, I then came to the conclusion that whatever it was it didnt collide with water molecules so it couldnt be human made, and because months before that I had already seen that huge ball of sun like object I wasnt that surprised, my next thought was, someone is keeping an eye on me here and they are not hostile to dont worry about anything, I was very calm no worries whatsoever, other than making sure nothing breaks down cus then you are really screwed in the middle of nowhere, so what does this has to do with these little guys, well I am thinking the object was I would say 5-7 meters long but at lest 5 meters, you see its hard to determine the length of an object when its flying at that speed close to you so I would say a minimum of five meters and half of meters wide or perhaps a little bit more couldnt say, so from what I saw these little guys could easily fit in one of these flying objects, and personally I dont think many aliens are giants, I think they cant be that big why would they, it would make more sense if they were midgets then they consume less energy to get around, thats what I think.

I also think we are in the era where we will realize we have been under observation since the beginning and who these are, and I believe I will be the first one to have an audience with them officially and then I will bring Tucker Carlson with me to interview them, I have promised the guy have to keep it, anyways, keep calm and support the good guys.
