So, It’s Over Then

I like many of you awaken souls is fully aware of the agreement Nato signed with Russia after the fall of the Soviets that Ukraine will stay neutral and will not under any circumstances join Nato, under these conditions the peace treaty was signed, but as you see with your own eyes Nato had no intention to honor its previous agreements, and its not the first time, then Nato staged a coup in Ukraine to install their own corrupt guy which they did, and all the problems started from there on.
It looks like to me there are some extremely evil forces deep inside Nato organization that are looking forward to start WW3, I dont think its only about corrupt war profiting individuals I think there is something much more sinister going on, May God have mercy on mankind because things looks very dark and hopeless as for now with these Luciferians as heads of our institutions, may God have mercy on us all, Amen.
