"Strange things happened on 9/11"- Robert Kennedy, Jr. | Redacted with C...

To prove beyond any reasonable shadow of doubt that 911 was indeed an inside job put aside what happened to the twin towers for a moment, take a closer look at Building 7, nothing hit it, it want on fire, it just fell on its foot prints 20 minutes after BBC had already reported it fell, but more importantly, they said a passenger liner flew right into the Pentagon building, if you take a look at the very tiny hole in the building, where is the makings from the aircraft wings, there are zero marking or damage tot he building, all you see its a small tiny hole to the building, and no wreckage as well just a new white crap metal here and there anyone could pick up with one hand, it was a cruise missile that hit Pentagon and nothing else, this concludes the proof that it was all a hoax, an inside job, end of story. 
