Fuck You AIPAC

Hello friends !
We have a problem that needs to be addressed as soon as humanly possible in the US, this problem is AIPAC, these Zionist keep in corrupting progress towards peace in the Middle East by going after elected officials that seek to do good by smearing them with all kinds of nasty and untruthful labels, this is unfortunately something they are good at, and my understanding is that they only spend a few millions of dollars to ensure their opponents lose their election efforts, I say we need an organization stronger  a more powerful and more influencial than their AIPAC, I think if we unite against this evil conspiracy of AIPAC we can achieve great things, if their have this organization AIPAC to influence elections, we are way more in numbers than their money can buy, we control the internet while they have the mainstream media channels, i think if we can get directions from a source who to support in elections and who to go after making sure their candidate loses that could be a great game changer, we need that source online that is very engaged to let the forces of good know where to direct their efforts on line and by other means to counter the efforts of AIPAC and their financial funds, we don't need to spend millions like they are to influence elections, we need to use our numbers to achieve what they can only dream of, we need a more active grassroot movement, I have some ideas myself that could be of help, but remember friends, AIPAC is the one that future politicians should be worry about to seek their endorsement if they want a chance to get elected, today politicians do not have that fear instead they suck up to AIPAC, this is something we have to change, and we can do it, it shouldn't be that difficult I think, it can be done we just need to keep in mind always that whoever AIPAC endorse we have to do our best to make sure they loose, AIPAC is the bad guy.
