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It's about time the Jews are waking up to certain facts, what I fear is that although they are starting to recognize the minor facts and issues that the bigger picture that I explained earlier today the fact that Zionism is a way bigger issue than just between the Palestinians and the Jews, that it's a global treat to all of mankind, because the Zionist ideologi didn't start didn't rise in Palestine but outside of it, that's where the political financial and military support comes from, from a very tiny amount of people, this is what I want to draw your attention to, and the sooner the Jews come in terms with that they have been taken for a long ride and Bern taken advantage of that's the awaken Jews I want to see, it's not enough with recognizeing the many crimes of the Zionist terrorist Israeli entity, I need you Jews to open your eyes to the bigger picture here, this is what I wish for you to see and I am here to help you see what I and many other see, the true Torah Jews would say exactly what I am telling you because they and I are the same, you should join us.
