Keep Staying Alive

Of course the Zionist Israelis don't want the Palestinians to be educated when they create such unbearable situation by cutting their electricity their water bomb schools, what person can be remain calm and in the right state of mind for information to get into their brains, it's impossible, the Zionist terrorist Israelis knowingly create these circumstances for them to never have a chance to go to school when they have to run several times to get water to go chaise something to eat, these people are devils in human form that's what these Zionist demonic Israelis are, all this will change of course but damages have already been done to several generations.
Look I want to blame Hamas and other groups for not doing what they did in a more optimal way, but knowing their leaders also suffer from being culturally dead not very educated themselves growing up and living under those circumstances for generations although I want to blame them for not doing things in a more Islamic way even though they think they are, again although I am very upset to almost the point to not wanting to have anything to do with them, I want to have some degree of understanding, after all they are the victims of Zionist terrorist Israeli oppression for many generations, and this is important for many generations, I grew up under shitty circumstances myself I never turned out to be an asshole but that's just me others  physically weaker tents to go another route, if they had better opportunities I am sure they would have done better as well and this brings us back to the main subject matter, the oppressors prevent you to become what you were meant to be, and this is the worst kind I'd oppression there it and these satanists they know what they are doing, they are dumb but not that dumb, well we are not dummies either, we will seek justice with Gods help and we will bring them to their knees, God willing.
