Mr George Galloway

Great points George, couldn't have said it better myself, and it's not just that these arguments sounds good it's also logical, a hole bunch of Europeans converted to Judaism they are not even semites now they have come to make claim in other people's lands and property, it's unheard of before, back in the days a superior force came and took over territories of others not claiming they were the original owners of that land they just took over and settled, this thing with the Zionists is a new phenomenon, today one can no longer just occupy other peoples property so they have to more crafty having an excuse and what better to say God gave these Europeans the land in the Middle East 3000 years ago.
But again no outside power have managed to hold on to the Holy Land for too long before they were kicked out and the Zionists are no different, they will be kicked out soon too, very soon, we will be fair, we will have mercy on even the European Ashkenazis who doesn't take part in the coming war, they are advised to leave and come back after the war and be a good citizen and help kickstart everything again and live in forever peace with their neighbors, it will be good times for sure.
