Specially For Irland

To my dear friends in Irland !
I need you to do yourselves and me a big favor, I need you in this case Muslims in Irland to reach out to the far right people go to whatever they are extend a friendly hand and tell them that you are here to improve Irland and make it an even better place, tell them you want what they want too an always better Irland and ask them how you can be of service, and also whenever you meet an Irish person I need you to go over to them and give them a gift in form of a flower or something.
I have said this a million times I think that I do not blame the far right folks too much when they have seen things not going in the right proper direction but instead things worsening, I fully agree with them on this and immigrants are to blame, it only takes 5% of the immigrants to behave in a bad manner to reflect a bad imagine on the rest, I know that but the other immigrants have a responsibility to correct the mistakes done by some from their own community, making a long letter shorter because I have something things to do you get the point the message, the Irish people are super nice and it's a shame for this friendship not to grow much stronger, now you know what to do, don't waste time make efforts to grow this friendship, you owe them, you owe them slot to be fully frank, good luck.
