Truth Hurts

You are right if there were elections Hamas would win again, but that goes to show in such a bad shape the Palestinians are if they vote to have Hamas to represent them, Hamas and those alike a
is the best gift to the Zionist terrorist Israeli regime, they couldn't have wish for something better than first Hamas then Fatah, Hamas because them the Zionist murderous Israeli regime will have a reason to pound the Palestinians and take more of what's theirs, Fatah and its leaders are good because the Zionist international movement have them in their pockets, that has always been a Palestinian problem, they have always been the worst sellouts in the Arab world, we all know it, no need to denying it, I know the Palestinians you can't lie to me, let's be super frank generally speaking a Palestinian would sell another Palestinian to their enemies for a hundred dollar bill, it doesn't take more, it's embarrassing I know it's perhaps time to talk about it openly to perhaps fix the problem, it's not that the Zionist intelligence services are so good, itsbthe Palestinians who are easily bought, I have told you folks before, I grew up with them, both from Fatah Hamas and others, many of my Palestinian friends fathers were up in the ranks in those movements, and they were all of them so disgustingly corrupt, straightout criminals, and their sons even lower criminals than their fathers and you expect them lead the Palestinians haaa, the reason the Palestinians are in such bad shape is of their own doing and that's a fact, their leadership are all criminals, I am not just talking about everyday corruption I am talking about criminal organization crime and you think God will favor these criminals, supporting their leadership is a waste of time and efforts, it's time to start think of something else or 75 years later you will still sit there talking about another ceasefire after a conflict, if there is something left of the Palestinian people at all, because if you continue on this path supporting criminal gangs because that's what they are they will only give fuel to the Zionists to take over absolutely everything, something new has to be though of, better start today than tomorrow, if you want to truly help them defeating the Zionists we have to start being honest with ourselves first locate where the problem is then find the solution for it and not making the same old mistakes thinking perhaps this time the problem will get magically solved when it never did the past 75 years, we have to stop fooling ourselves by saying what Hamas did they defeated the Zionists, I strongly disagree, what Hamas caused this time is almost 100 000 dead or injured Palestinians and now they lost all if Gaza to the Zionists, you call that victory get real, it was a disaster, and now Hezbollah has to fight the fight the Palestinians would had to do but as you can see they continue to throw stones at the Zionists instead of their leader in the west bank calling for an uprising, I am gonna be honest here, I am not spending my time and efforts to help the Palestinians when I know they don't want to help themselves, I know enough about the Palestinians to stand by my words, I am more doing this to defeat the Zionists because I see them as the most dangerous threat to all mankind, u am of the belief peace in the Holy Land is world peace, and world peace is the primary purpose why I have dedicated my life to do something about, if the Palestinians want to save themselves they have to seek help and be of help or good luck doing it in your own, that's what I have to say about that.
