Tulsi Gabbard Sold Out


Tulsi Gabbard has definitely done a 180 on her supporters from being an anti war person to now supporting the biggest internationsl warmongers the Zionists on Fox news, and I didn't knew she swindled her donors to enrich herself now that's low of her.
I remember when the TYT had her on when she was this "antiwar" candidate and got critisized by both Cenk and Ana over being a hypocrite and her ties to warmongering Neocons while she pretended to be a liberal, she got pounded by Cenk and Ana and I got angry at the TYT for being hard on her, and I said things to Cenk and Ana that I now regret very much, it is now obvious that they knew more about her than I did at the time things that are coming to light today, I think she will lose supporters after this shilling for the Zionists and their crimes against humanity we all have seen and here comes Tulsi and critisize the journalists for reporting on the war crimes of the Zionists, how disputable do you have to be to deny the war crimes of the Zionist in open daylight, I think she does it to get something out of her now Zionist backers, that's what the Zionists do pay people handsomely to repeat their disinformation and false talking points meaning Tulsi now have sold her soul to anyone willing to pay her highest, everyone knows on this side you don't come over on this side to make money, there is no money to be made here, here you lose money but keep your integrity and it's not for just anybody Tulsi has shown us, she took the Zionist paycheck and ran with it, with her and like her running we will and have gained other truthtellers, I don't miss her she will not be missed.
