Zelenski The Zionist Agent


I just looked into Mt crystal ball and here's what it showed me.
This Zionist puppet Zelenski who had may opportunities to sign a peace deal but refused will end up losing half or two thirds of Ukraine to Russia after the west will stop funding this war, Zelenski and his buddies will then flee to the US or the Zionist terrorist Israeli entity but more likely to the US because The Zionist entity will have been invaded and the Holy Land freed and the Ukrainians will regret following their traitors Zionist puppet leader down in defeat but it will be too late by then because what will remain of Ukraine will be so indebted to the West that it will basically become a slave state for those remaining there, then western countries will deport their Ukrainian refugees to this "safe" Ukraine to work of their debt to the west for ages to come.
All this because the Ukrainians allowed a Zionist agent to ruin them, and the word ruin is a mild word in this instance, I of course don't want any harm to come to the civilians of Ukraine but they have made their decision themselves, all this could have been avoided if they wouldn't have antagonized Russian with everything they have done from not allowing Russia to pump oil to European from their soil while they were given a sweet deal in the process, Ukraine didn't have to take to many extremes like prohibiting their Russian speaking citizens to things like just speak Russian, stupid things like that, now western Ukrainians will live in a slave state in one third of their what once was Ukraine and see if they like it that way better, they won't be able to turn the clock back to when things used to be better, again this is what will happen when you elect a Zionist agent as your president.
