Zionist Israeli Infiltration Attempts


This is how the Zionists infiltrate different movements so please be careful.

They have tried to tell you Hamas sexually raped women, they have accused them of necromancy, beheading babies, burning people alive, and the lastest disinformation is that Hamas had hostages in hospitals to justify the Zionist Israelis to bomb hospitals, what they don't tell you is that Hamas brought some of the hostages to hospitals for medical attention, the Zionists turned this humanitarian act to look the opposite of what it was, frankly speaking I don't know what they even tried to say with this that Hamas had brought a hostages to s hospital, of course their intention were to say Hamas used the hospital to hide hostages, to justify them bombing it, the question one should ask himself is why would Hamas hide a hostages or two in hospitals when they know there are cameras everywhere when they could have hid them underground somewhere, of course Hamas said they brought these ine and two hostages to medical care, but the Zionist media it spinning it into something completely else, you have to be convinced by now that not one word out of these Zionists is anywhere close to the truth, in fact is 180degree the opposite.
So be careful when they try to infiltrate your organizations because they are up to destroy you, good luck.
