Zionist Murderous Drama Queens


You are all terrible acting drama queens, why don't you show your evidence to the world to discredit your enemies, you have never shy away from even staging disinformation to smear your enemies in the past, so why don't you stop crying wolf and speak in general terms like ' omg this is the worst thing I have seen in my life ' ok show us your proof, but you won't because as soon as you have shown your evidence you will only discredit yourselves like with the fake beheaded babies you phonies, I am not saying you didn't see dead people in your videos but acting as if the worst thing next to Holocaust and such you know it's BS otherwise you wouldn't shy away from showering the whole world with it, I am sorry too that people died on your side too but the problem here is that you first of all lie about every single word out if your mouths that's why nobody believe you and you are loosing credibility that's why you feel you have to take to extreme measures to constantly lie the second problem is that you don't see the Palestinians whi you have stolen the land and homes of as human beings and encourage your settler thugs to keep on killing them and steal more of what they have left while you shoot their children their women and elderly and in sadistic manners dismantle the limbs if their young men and girls, we unlike you don't have to act like a dirty lying bunch of drama queens we have the evidence of you murdering tens of thousands of innocent civilians, as you can see, no one at the UN likes you, the only reason you are still in your feets murdering people is for the free US tax dollars that allows you to continue commit genocide but as you can see, even young Jews are waking up to your criminal activities, soon you will stand all alone then you're done with, look around you, nobody likes you, you are hated everywhere, you won't be able to survive like that when the whole world hates you forget about disliking you, people hate you, nobody can stand you Zionists anymore, nobody trust you because of how out of touch with reality you really are, playing your games of propaganda to your domestic audience won't win you over the rest of the world audience you live in your own little bubble and you think you are playing to win no not even on domestic level, you are loosing that game as well, you are such morons.
