Do The Right Thing Ukraine !

I do understand why people at times make the same mistake time to time but l also have a hard time accepting how many times one has to do these mistakes when there are those out there trying to get through your head why you shouldn't after watching the downfalls of those who never learned, I am talking about the Ukrainians here, haven't you seen the demise and downfalls of those people and nations that choice Zionist as their heads of state to lead them and how it ended up for them, we live in the age of awakening we are supposed to be for Gods sake information is available people, I feel bad for Ukrainians, another failed state upon many before it and people still can't get their acts together, this one I have trouble accepting, on one hand I want to say fine you chose this path now deal with the consequences who cares, but I do care, ignorant people shouldn't get punished for being morons because mankind is under tremendous influence by evil subhumans who think they are better than the rest of us, but then again, only we ourselves can save yourselves, we have given all the things we need to choose what path we want to take, then we come to one of the main issues that always these crazy people used to stir up trouble, it's the issue of nationalism, if the Ukrainians had treated their Russian speaking citizens as their own I don't think non of this would happen and everything would have been nice, the reason Believes were told why the Creator divided us in different races was to recognize the humanity in all of us, as you can see we have failed in this and I don't think nothing will change for the better unless we deal with this singular issue first, and you can rest assured that there will be those who will see the gap and take advantage of it, so what's left for the Ukrainians to do now, I think they're facing a lost cause, it doesn't look good at all, you need a miracle to make up for the mistake if chosing a Zionist to drive you where you are now, I wish you all the best, good luck.

Accept any peace offered to you, it would be wise.
