Final Countdown Of Zionism

The unholy imposter entity in the Holy Land called Israel is the only apartheid entity in the Middle East and in the world left to do whatever this satanic entity wants with many world leaders under it spell, they give cover politically to this unholy imposter they finance it they arm it to continue disstablisize not only countries in the Middle East but corrup the whole planet leaving billions of people in dispair and miserable condition, how long people of the world will put up with this satanic Zionist cult I think not for much longer, the Jews themselves need to understand in what kind of grave danger this Zionist cult has put them in, time will come when people if the world are so fed up with Zionists that not only will they give mo more support to them but also will reveal where they hide at for people to come after them, we are heading towards that direction and who is to blame for this, human devils like Shaytanyaboo and his cronies, he is creating anti semitism, you as a Jew perhaps do not see or don't want to believe the aftershock after each earthquakes he has been shaking up but I recommend you take your head out of the ground and look around a little bit then you will discover the situation is worse than you have been told from your Zionist mainstream media outlets, at the same time it feels like people like myself are talking to empty walls because as we have been told 90% of the Israelis have become more extreme than before and in a democratic you will be judged as such unless those sensible of you take your bags and leave the Holy Land before war breaks out and let the crazy ones stay behind to meet their fate right there, nobody likes war and chaos but how do you deal with such wild beast roaming free to kill and murder with a thirst for blood of the innocent that cannot be extinguished, the only solution is to by all means necessary put and end to this madness once and for all so people are no longer afraid to walk the streets and no longer nervous if what they are doing and saying, this unholy Zionist state is not the only democracy in the Middle East but the only apartheid regime not only in the Middle East but in the entire world recognized as such by 99% of the world.
