Fox News Didn't Get The Memo Last Time

I am trying to understand what you Neocons are trying to get here with your warmongering against Iran, the US military experts are under no illusion that a war with Iran would mean a total expelltion by the US from at least the Persian Gulf area with every single of US bases destroyed and anything floating getting terribly wet in matters of an hour or two, that would be the outcome of what Miss Grayhamm and these other naive Neocons are suggesting, and I don't think they are that naive they know what would happen so why even bother with toothless scare tactics, I don't get it, the only way the US can defeat Iran is with nuking it and you're not gonna do that for many reasons so just shut the hell up already you look and sound ridiculous.
When it comes to Iraq and the Resistance movements there, what the hell are the US doing there there anyway, the Iraqis want you out of their country which you are occupying illegally same thing in Syria, they have all the rights to do whatever the hell they want and can to get a occupying force out of their country you would do the same yourselves so agan stop nagging like an underpaid housekeeper.
Poor housekeepers should get a raise !
