Good News

It must be very frustrating for the Zionists to see day by day how they're losing their younger generation to the anti Zionist Resistance movements, the reason for this is of course nobody likes to be lied to, when the Zionists insult the intelligence of their own youth people oftentimes take it personally and when they learn they have been massively lied to and when they learn the "enemy" is not of to kill you at sight, when you realize the other side are human beings oppressed by those you have been lied to when you realize human beings have been given ability to use their own reason and this is the path forward when you realize those who have been lying to you all this time prevented you to use your reasoning to live and let live is the path to prosperity in the long term you realize those who have been lying to you were in fact using you and endangering your life to push a different agenda you were told when you were a cult members and that this membership came with a high cost, I am glad to see people using their ability to reason and a membership between human beings is where you always belonged, here you can selfimprove to the next level, I hope you continue this way, good luck.
