Great Guy

See there are good Israelis, only if one can reach them, the bad guys I mean cult leaders do their best to keep not only the truth but also their cult members inside the bubble they have created around them with the argument "the only useful things is right here, you don't need to seek anything else" this is of course wrong, again the reason God made us is different craves and spread us around the planet was for us to get back to a reunion.
Like a pet owner, you take your let's say your dog out to the park or out in the nature, throw sticks as far as you can hoping your dog is smart enough to run out find the stick and bring ut back and seal the union with his owner, here the dog is smart enough to realize where it belongs, with its flock, same thing with mankind, but cult leaders work in the opposite direction, they are so scared of their own shadows instead of socializing his or her flock they instead sell them fear of others, all religious leaders have this problem I have noticed, they only study their own doctrine and don't want to know what the others have to say, as if God haven't spoken through all of mankind, God has said He has sent Prophets to all of mankind, He never leaves any tribe of on it's own, today religions and those behind them have made business of these, I mean pure business and there is a lot of money in it and this has become the primary purpose and funktion of what we have today which is the exact opposite of what it was ment to be, the wise folks will see through them and it, other simpletons will follow the script laied out before them without questioning any of it, if you want my advice, step outside your matrix and start searching because, the truth is out there, baby.
