Shaytanyaboo Is Getting Desperate

Shaytanyaboo is indeed in lots of trouble after the war with the Palestinians, this among other reasons is why he will prolong the war as much as he can to buy himself time to perhaps a positive opportunity opens up for him to save his day, another reastfor him to prolong the war is the hope of eliminating Palestinian resistance groups and come out as a hero, I personally believe from what I have seen the Palestinian freedom fighters are killing shit load of Zionist terrorists in Gaza daily and blowing up a couple of their tanks for each day that passes, from what I am seeing the Palestinian freedom fighters are doing very well, it seems that they have the situation under control, I hate to say it but I think the way things are going with how effective the Palestinian freedom fighters are doing if the war get prolonged it will end up as a massive defeat of the Zionists in Gaza and the hope Satanyaboo held on to save his skin will end up with him burning on a pole and the entire the terrorist organization IDF and the Zionist murderous Israeli regime as whole, because think about it, what have the Zionists achieved with their 350000 terrorist IDF up to this point, absolutely nothing they are instead getting their tanks blown up with massive casualties as result, with around 1500 killed Zionist Israeli IDF terrorists equal amount as dead Palestinian fighters and if you take in account the lost if thirty tanks I'll say the Palestinians are on top of things, if I were the armed faction of the Palestinian freedom fighters I would have continued the fighting and wouldn't released any Israeli captives either, it looks like the Palestinian freedom fighters can pull off a 33 Day War victory like Hezbollah did when they kicked the Zionists butts, when the Palestinian freedom fighters achieve a similar victory this will humiliate the Zionist terrorist Israeli entity once again, with the Zionists knowing this I think Satanyaboo will do anything for this not to happen that's why he will go all in for victory, I say he thought he could definitely defeat Hezbollah too and we know how that went how hurtful that defeat was for the Israeli terrorists, a similar thing could happen again with this time the Israeli terrorists losing this war too despite how confident the Israeli terrorists are of winning, we can pray to God to assist the Palestinian freedom fighters to regain lost ground from river to the sea God willing, 
