Sign To Come

I can say this much, if there were any evidence of rape beheaded babies or beheaded anything or burnt up bodies or any evidence of necromancy or anything else the Zionist terrorist Israeli IDF are accusing the Palestinians of I would have been the first one to denounce their resistance groups, I have seen the so called evidence the Zionist regime have presented and honestly those so called evidence are so badly staged by the Israeli terrorists that it is laughably not worth watching a second time to ensure what they presented could be anything but faked dolls so on and so forth, and the whole world knows how deceivefull and disgusting these patheticall Zionist are making themselves to look like, I don't trust a single word they have to say, they are also such bad terrible liars that they have to pay New York Times to repeat their Zionist Israeli propaganda, I have said it many times, the Zionist are getting desperate they're panicking shaking of fear that things are not going their way like before and I am sure this trend will only grow stronger all around the world and weakening the Zionist image and their propaganda, when they're weak enough then that's the time to finish them once and for all and free the world from their dirty bloody hands, the Zionist fear this moment to come and rightly so they should fear that moment when they're gonna be pushed back to the sea or what's left of them
