The Ball Is With Shaytanyaboo

It is the right decision, there is no reason to release the captives if the terrorists are not willing to end hostilities, I say when they are serious about ending the war they provoced then negotiations can begin, I also am very disappointed uncle Joe haven't helped end the hostilities, I don't know what advice uncle Joe is been given, if the idea is that Shaytanyaboo can fully eliminate Hamas and the other resistance groups is not simply doable and if been told Shaytanyaboo can occupy Gaza forever is also not realistic, when the IDF has left and leave they shall we are back at square one again, the only thing Shaytanyaboo then has achieved is to grow the resistance groups by then times, that's the best case scenario, my advice to uncle Joe is to make sure the war ends yesterday, and if he doesn't manage, if the US can't control Shaytanyaboo the world will see how toothless the US has become and this will come back with a price internationally for the US, so it's very crucial for the US to show leadership right now do the right thing and stop Shaytanyaboo where he and come out as a hero, this is what uncle Joe should do, he should take my advice on this and save the day, if he doesn't do that he will go down as the worst president in US history, the president that could have been a hero but chose to go down as a bad guy, everything could turn for the better if he acts right now, not tomorrow but right now, I hope again he heeds my advice.
