Time Is Up For The Zionist Israelis


These Zionist Israelis are the ones who will be sent to the sea long before the Palestinians get pushed away from their land I can promise you that.
At this point we have seen how insane sinister and evil these Zionist demonic Israelis are, I understand perhaps 10% of them are cool and nice people but still 90% or so of them are absolute evil yes EVIL and something has to be done to them sooner rather than later I'll say, because we cannot live next to such evil next door to us, we must send them back to the sea floating on something or not it doesn't matter anymore, we have to recognize the Synagog of Satan for what it is, they are the enemy of all mankind, I know you agree with me that we cannot allow these demon possessed Zionist Israelis to roam free in the Holy Land for much longer, the truth of the matter is this my friends, it would be naive of us to think any nation states will do what needs to be done, I hope you understand this by now, the only option remaining is for us to take the matter in our own hands, I say this to you, if you are interested in liberating the Holy Land from these Zionist demonic creatures what you should do right now is to create your own little groups world wide prepare yourselves to get near to the Holy Land the exact place will be announced by then, get your backpack with everything you need to join the real Resistance and run towards the Zionists and do what has to be done, I don't see any other way to do this thing, relying on governments to do what needs to be done is a waste of time you know it and I know it, we have to do it on our own, I am getting tired of seeing war crimes after war crimes being committed with no one lifting a finger to stop it, and the longer it takes it looks like these Zionist demonic Israelis are getting more comfortable expressing their feelings how they would like to kill every last Palestinian left, iam getting sick and tired of seeing this shit happening, I am getting very irritated to be honest, no more playing games I'll say let's see some action let's see all Believers unite under the same banner to liberate the Holy Land, God willing.
