Iran election results 2024 live: Run-off as no candidate secures majority

I'll correct my numbers, only 40% of the Iranian people inside Iran are fools not the previous 50% as I claimed, 10% uptick is an improvement for sure, if we could get it down another 10% down to 30% morons then we can say there is actually hope for these people, here are the facts, 85% of them would like to see a regime change I would even say that number is more like around 90% if they were given a clear choice directly but lets say 85% would definitely like to see the Supreme Whore sent to Hell sooner, what I cannot understand why still 25% of these 85% still participate in these sham selections its a huge number of people which could turn this whole charade around but for some reason cant take to themselves to fully boycott anything molla, I understand they are faithful people but blind faith is no faith in anything you need to back it up with facts with reality on the ground folks, faith is good if you also are educated well informed what your faith in your own holy book is telling you, you need to stop listening to the mollas and their interpretation you have minds of your own use it ! you need to deprogram and start all over again everything from ground up again on your own, the Book is there just start from page one and work yourselves upwards its simple what is not simple I understand is the deprograming this is the hard part not learning new stuff, once clue you should start with is this, you know God will never favor a corrupt person right ? alright, and you know how corrupt the mollas and the system they have constructed is, right ? alright, thats all you need to know to start the deprogramming go back to the basics and start from there all over again, I mean if you cant get that through your head then I am sorry for you but I hope you are smart enough to see things for what it is because even a child can get it, the thing with the young people, they incorrect programming havent got them them deeply, they are more pure they havent lived a sinful lives as long as many adults, they are more receptible to see the truth easier, in any case this is so simple anyone could get through, I did so can you, because the molla teachings is horse crap absolute nonsense, doesnt make sense anyone seeking the truth can see through it, I hope you are one of them.  
