Khamenei votes as Iranians go to the polls to replace president killed i...

God said in the Holy Quran that you are allowed to drive out those who drove you out, He also state persecution is worse than death, and let me ask you, havent the mollas drove you out of your land ? havent they persecuted you for the past 45 years ? God state you are allowed to do the exact same thing they did to you as long as you dont step out of these rules, this are clear rules you can follow to kick out the mollas who have terrorised you Iranians in your own land, you know they are a bunch of selfserving traitors, you know they care nothing about you, you know if they sat on all the wealth in the world your situation would remain the same because they in this shia cult would only enrich themselves and maybe spoil you the leftovers you know what I am saying here is the truth, you know them better than any foreigners do who support this satanic cult for their own endgame, the fact is I unlike many other hypocrites do believe the citizens of any country should look after their own people first, Iranians for Iran Americans for America Swedes for Sweden first not to any other country because first of all the citizens of any country must be fully satisfied with their own first and sure if there is something left over to donate yes absolutely we need to help others but in the case of Iran the US and UK and many other country frankly their leaders do not look after their own first, this is because these countries have been infiltrated by outside forces in the case of the US UK and their friends they have been infiltrated by the Zionist movement in the case of Iran this Shia cult which is not loyal to the Iranians but to others, look you say US is the wealthiest country in the world, yes even an elephant can get the flu virus which will weaken it to its knees, Iran is also the biggest Shia country and like the US it also got the virus which has been weaken it for the past 45 years, so it doesnt say much if the US is the biggest in its own field and Iran the biggest in this field, they both got the virus from outside and now both are suffering, fighting someone elses fight, these are outside powers looking for one thing alone, their own interest not the wellbeing of these people, I know I am speaking to deaf ears right now, unfortunately what will give these people a wakeup call is the coming war, because I do believe there will be a war between these crazies so let them have it because it doesnt matter what anyone say to make people chose another way but after the war they will be given another opportunity to see there were another way, sure a difficult way to change course which not enough of them saw being right before their grasp, what I can suggest to you on both sides is this, do not take part yourself in this coming war, why would you risk your life for these evil corrupt thugs, you alive is more needed to rebuild after these crazies are gone, we need you to stay alive for reconstruction, on both sides, so let them go their own way and we our way, less of these extremists on either side will be a better outcome for when it is time to rebuild after what they are about to cause, this is my advice to all of you, and meanwhile, do not take part in anything they do let them go their own way to whatever death they chose. 
