Phil Giraldi : Israel’s Control Over America

One can explain the Zionist entity in one or two short sentences, look it like this, its a military outpost to destabilize the Middle East and these non religious people are using the naive religious people with the upkeep the maintenance of imposter state, its simple as that, its nothing more or less than that, these people dont care a bit about the Muslims nor the Jews nor the Ashkanazis they tricked into believe they are actual from the Middle East, look the point I have been making for times is this, if you are a religious person regardless what faith you belong to, if some anti religious person comes to you and say they are willing to sponsor you to build your dream house of worship all for free, if you dont have too many screws loose you would think to yourself, whats the motive behind this offer coming from these anti religious people all of the sudden willing to finance a house of worship for me, I personally would have thought there is something fishy behind this offer something is behind this they are not telling me, it has to be something sinister, thats what I would have thought and because now we are talking about a house of worship I would have told them to pull that on someone else not me, but thats just me, in fact in the Holy Quran God has warned us about trusting the Zionists, God clearly said they are not to be trusted because they hate you, they are only friends of themselves not you so be careful, so this is what I say to Hamas too, if you want to go on like Saudi Arabia UAE Egypt Jordan Morocco Bahrain and the so called Palestinian authorities and trust that they have your best interest in mind be my guest if you are that stupid, they came half cross the world far from their homes stole your land and have been killing you ever since now you think you still can trust them ? do you need to reminded how many times they have officially stated they want this greater Israel business, it means their project is unfinished, I wouldnt have trusted them with a popsicles, they are not humans they are human devils, the Tribe of Gog and Magog, the Synagog of Satan, dont lose yourself in the moment they want you DEAD, but who am I to say.
