'There are no values in occupation: Israeli forces using wounded Palesti...

There is no amount to crimes against humanity the Zionist Israeli entity can do in broad daylight before the eyes of the whole world for this Genocide Biden or anyone in the US would condemn the Israeli Zionist entity for, what more does it have to take for the US the UK the German and others to take to themselves and openly put this israeli Synagog of Satan entity to court and or the UN security council and have them sanctioned at least for once for Gods sake, but you wont see that, because these countries are the biggest hypocrites ever been, this is why I propose the UN and all these institutions has to be abolished just get rid of it its of no good use when you need it the most, here you have Israelis using Palestinians as human shields over and over again and you wont even see the US media even mentioning it anywhere then the US goes to supply this Synagog of Satan with all the weapons it needs, the only thing that is missing is for the US alone to drop these munitions and kill the defenceless Palestinians themselves other than thats whats the difference ?? the US is in fact the most distabalazing country in human history, with over 80 wars in just the past 100 years under its belt murdered hundreds of millions worldwide and today they just do it in broad daylight, look friends, you want peace in the world ?? abolish the UN thats a good start, no more international globalist institutions they are all crooks and wasteful anyway.    
