Watch Trump explain his idea for a ‘fight league’ for migrants

I watch an episode of Helo the series great series btw loved it, in one of its episodes the pirates who ruled over this planet had a similar scenario going where they had arranged a cage fight where immigrants refugees who sought safe haven on that pirate planet had to fight to death and the winner was granted asylum, I think Trump or whoever gave him that idea have too much time on their hands watching all these movies where ideas such as this comes from the minds of screenwriters and the makebelif industry, I cant believe he actually proposed it, its one thing if you are with friends and compete who can come up with the most fanciful ideas for a movie script but another to brag about it before people at a presidential rally and with tv cameras filming you saying what you are saying, this world is starting more and more like a horror movie, I am freaking out to be honest, I wished I am having just a nightmare I dont know am I or is it all real, shit I think its this is all real guys, we are fucked we are all fucked.
