We will not allow the billionaire class to take down strong progressives...

You know you are doing something good when the Zionist AIPAC is attacking you, I hope you on the right and the left and in the middle are this much awaken by now, if the Zionist AIPAC goes after someone on the right same thing there, you must have done something right, but right now the Zionists are attacking Jamaal Bowman for having conscience speaking up against Zionist genocide, another of his message is, isnt it better to spend those billions upon billions on your own people instead of a bunch of genocidal Zionist Israelis, nothing wrong with Jamaal Bowmans message therefore even if you have voted for a REP for the house before, at least this time around you really should support Jamaal Bowman against the Zionists globalists, blessed are the peacemakers, I dont know who said that ? could it be Jesus ?? you have your peacemaker here with Jamaal Bowman his opponents what do they preach, more death and destruction in the Holy Land.

Vote Jamaal Bowman !!!
