Biden SILENT After IDF KILLS American Protester

Because Biden is a son of a bitch, here is another way people could view this, that is this young lady with a probability is on her way to Paradise, because she put her life on the line for the greater good against the Synagog of Zionist Satan, so she I hope will be considered a great martyr, so I would think God will show her extra mercy very soon while Biden with his 82 years of being a Zionist with the blood of of millions all over the world have earned himself a tiny little place in Hell where he will abide for eternity and that son of a bitch I am talking about Biden here, in a couple of years he is going to find out who his owner really was, the ironic thing is, this piece of garbage Kamala thinks she is on her way to greatness lol 
Have you guys noticed this too, when Bad News Biden ran for president remember a few years ago how humble he acted and I mean humble in every sense of the word, look how arrogant he acts now, so proud so nonchalant so stiff necked he turns his whole body slowly when he is about to address you no longer even turning his neck a little, he has changed, I can see the same change in Joykiller Kamala already when she is for example about to board a helicopter or airforce one, when she is getting down the stairs or going up the stairs how she just love that feeling, its obvious she is ready to sell her soul to Satan just so she can be photographed walking up the stairs on that mighty airforce one, am I the only one noticing that ? I dont think so others do see it too, she is no leader, she is a puppet to be told what to do and when to keep her mouth shut and sit down, I really hope no one votes for her, people should vote for her opponent instead, as a big go and fuck yourself to her, and if she wins this, this is on record you can go back from a week back after Biden got elected I said Biden will go down as the worst most disgraced president in US history, and I was right, he was so bad his own people kicked him out, long story short my prediction turned out to be true, and I will say this so mark it down on your calendar that I said on this date if The Joykiller Kamala gets elected, she will turn out to trump even Bad News Biden, she will change America for the worst forever it will never be the same for all time to come, she is that bad, the is the worst nothing worse than her very bad absolute catastrophe. 
