Exclusive: US to accuse Russia of sustained effort to influence 2024 ele...

I speak for myself, I am no fan of any governments or groups, I speak for myself, always.
The US officials and its media need to understand the world does NOT revolve around just you and the Zionist entity, other people are human beings too, in fact more humans than the Zionists I will argue because today there is a holocaust being committed against the Palestinian people, you dont have to like them but they are human beings too, in fact more human beings than the Synagog of Satan who the Palestinians openly gladly invited in to the Holy Land when no one else wanted to step on their lands, now these same Synagog of Satan are openly and proudly ethnically cleansing them with American full support, this is what you dont seems to understand why the whole world is opposing you, also most of your own people too because not all are genocidal maniacs like your officials and some others within your midst, the fact that you dont see the Palestinian people as human beings when you highlight the death of one dual citizen of yours while 200 000 Palestinians have been murdered in short amount of time for the crime of resisting their evil Zionist Israeli occupiers speaks volumes on your values, because you are hypocrites and no one except another hypocrite likes another genocidal hypocrite, this is how the world views you, some might not say it in your face but thats what all the rest of the world thinks of you, in time those who wouldnt say it in your faces will break loose and say what they think of you Zionists, by all means do what you will you are only alienating yourselves, the rest of the world is detaching from the dollar, countries you never thought would turn their backs on you are already doing it and this trend will continue because you just couldnt let go of the Zionists holding you hostage to yourselves, when you could have saved yourselves, look I am not anti American, I am a fan, but one thing I will never ever trade is this, I am not a hypocrite, and I am not genocidal, I want prosperity for all while you think you can go around and destroy everything your Zionist overloads tells you to do, you are insane not the rest of the world.
