INTERVIEW: ‘I’m done with being politically correct.’ Ghadi Francis unloads

It is hard for me sitting here and for certainty be sure knowing if political commentators journalists politicians hosts of news shows where their loyalty actually lies and what their true agenda is, I am sure you out there have these same questions because after all we know these personalities from what we have heard their arguments for this or that subject matter, more we dont know of them, in my case what I do is to collect and compare their current and previous statements and see if and how things have changed with time, because people are allowed to change their minds with new information we receive, its not called flip flopping, its us evolving with the situation at hand, in my view what gives one away is if you regardless of what your team you are supporting does if your team say one thing but constantly do something else or if you know your team is constantly being hypocrites being corrupt and being corrupt religiously too because this is important, we have been told in one matter we are not allowed to be hypocrites is the religious one, and we have many religious rolemodels which genuine Abrahamic faiths hold at highest regards and taught to be like to take after and we shouldnt deviate from or we will have earned the displeasure of God and of course then we have lost the game, then God will focus on another team and leave us to our own fate, this is what we have been told to hold on to and never let go of, again this God have been said to the Jews to the Christians which this journalist Francis is and the Muslims have been said the same thing, so Francis here is aware of what I just stated here, she is a Lebanese Christian she is a journalist she has interviewed many higher ups in the ranks in the Middle East she is on Galloways show and you are hearing her arguments why Iran is not responding militarily at the Zionist entity, I urge you to listen to her arguments once again, because I dont know how many times I have been hearing these " well informed" commentators trying to share their knowledge of what is going on to you trying their best to tell you why molla Iran will attack Israel for this and that reason I am not going to all their arguments from weeks ago why Iran (would) with "100% " certainty attack and avenge the death of Haniyeh, again I am not going to repeat all their thousands of arguments here it would take me forever already, and now more than a month later I want you to pay attention to how they are changing their narrative to why Iran meaning the Shia mollas are so very clever for not attacking the Zionist regime, again pay close attention to Francis here how she and many like her is the conversation to why they were wrong then and right now in their view, again I have said it is ok for one to change ones mind on issues with new information learned, but being a well connected as she is knowing groups closely the question is here, how could all these well informed commentators be so wrong so many times on the greatest issues, and still root for the team who first of all is pretending to be these highly regarded holymen I mean is there anything holier than the Party of God, hezbola, I am being sarcastic here of course, so knowing these phony Shia holy groups Hezbola and the rest of the phony "Resistance" knowing they are as unholy as it comes with their just plainly visible corruption in society, knowing they are involved in so many criminal activities again knowing as a Christian as Francis is a Lebanese one, knowing all this and still use the best of her intellect in this clip to still cover for these Shia Hezbola hypocrites on all levels, why is Francis will trying to tell her Shia cults like Hezbola are so popular with the Lebanese society, she is partly right, the Party of Satan is very popular amongst the Shias in Lebanon and a little bit with others like Francis too, why is that you might ask, one simple reason is, this Party of Satan this criminal organization whom many are drug traffickers I know this first hand, these managed to feed the ignorant uneducated mouths of the poor there and what happens in situations like this, if you are a poor hungry ignorant uneducated in need on protection, you will even accept the offerings of Satan himself if it was offered, which is the case here, no question about it, the evidence speaks for itself, only a truly God fearing person can put this puzzle together for it to make sense, the puzzle is very simple not complicated at all, even a child can see it if you presented to it with clear evidence, so let me try once again to put forward the evidence why this is indeed the Party of Satan, and remember friends, Satan have all kinds of parties here and there, he owns the arena all these teams are playing at, and I would say Satan owns 98% of the teams playing in his arena so the chances for your beloved team to be owned by Satan by the Luciferians is I would argue 98% certainty, so let me put forward the evidence even a child can read and understand.

Hezbolla means the Party of God, the question is, did Nasralla or anyone there ask permission of God to use His name for their party, because they would have to otherwise they have no right to do so if they didnt have permission, in fact it would be very bold very disrespectful of them otherwise, now I let you answer the question if the founders of this party were given permission from God or not, I would say of course not, knowing the criminals they are, with the drug trade and the rest of it.

Muslims know in the Holy Quran the name Hezbollah the Party of God has been used once, which God is profesizing that in the future there will be those God fearing people who will join and be accepted By God Himself as His party, so what these unholy Shias did like Satan always do is try to be before the trend the curve and before that actual Party of God gets established for these Shia Luciferians to steal the title for itself to deceive the masses, this is a very normal tactics the Luciferians do, same thing with in the case of the Antichrist, the Luciferians know the Christ will come back they know it as a matter of fact, Satan knows it so they are trying to stay ahead of the curve and sends this unholy creature pretend its the real macaw when in fact its the imposter, the Shias same thing here, God foretold such a party will get established so the Shia imposters Irans Supreme Rat Nasrala and the rest of them took upon themselves this in fact holy title when they are the most corrupt unholy individuals around, this is my second evidence.

Third evidence will go much much deeper, it has to do with historical evidence on who (approved) of Knomeini to get back in Iran to jump start this destabilization campaign set the stage for what sinister plans they have for you in the future which is around the corner, do get in all that I think I will go not today, you have had plenty to reflect on for today many questions you have I am sure you need answers for, the point of all I said here is this, are these commentators really this ignorant of what is actually going on or are they all disinfo agents of one team vs the other team, because if you ask me and I would like to categorize myself among NOT the 98% but the 2 percenters who take no ones side, not the Shia mollas side because I think I have more than once explained they follow a Luciferian doctrine, I of course you know my stance on the Zionist movement, also Luciferian, I deem Putin in the category of the lost souls like the Shia mollas your Sunni leaders like all leaders, absolutely sold out to the Luciferians, again I always gets suspicious when someone one team exposes yes all the hypocrisy of their opponent teams but never ever go to speak the slightest truth about their own, this makes all the my red warning lights shine bright and I hope it does yours too, if it does, just so you know, you are not alone, we are in deep shit,, there are no good guys left but a few, thats the situation accept it turn to your Maker because He is observing it all as promised, the true Party of God is sending out membership cards to people just like yourself but you have to keep the faith like never before we are in times of trial.
You are the Resistance!
