Israel's military: 6 hostages 'brutally murdered' in Gaza including Isra...

I dont believe for a second that Hamas executed these four captives just before the Zionist terrorist organization IDF got to them, it doesnt sound like Hamas at all, it could be so that the Israeli IDF by accident killed the captives and are now blaming the Palestinians for it like they have done in the past which is documented, I dont believe Hamas killed them, in fact Hamas have gone to great lengths to keep these captives save from Israeli aerial bombings, as for today every Israeli captive which have been released have had nothing but positive statements to say about Hamas which the Zionist controlled mainstream media is trying to hide these testimonies of these former captives, so no I dont believe Hamas killed them, its sounds like the Israelis killed the captives themselves either intentionally or not but the Israelis had them killed, again Netanyahu is to blame for the murder of these four Israeli captives, he should be the one to blame and those Zionists having his back, Netanyahu is the one who didnt agree to a peace deal, he doesnt want peace he wants the genocide to continue for as long as it is possible to stay out of jail himself, he doesnt care about the death of the captives, in fact the more Israelis dies the better for him and his sinister agenda, the far righters in Israel they dont care about these captives, I believe they would like even more captives so they can keep in the conflict going, everyone knows this is true and the mainstream media is going the dirty work of these ultra Zionist extremists.
