John Kirby says hostage and cease-fire deal is close, urges compromise

If the US wants to play an honest broker you cant just call Hamas evil when Netanyahu and all in the Knesset are calling openly to rape to torture to kill every last Palestinians, lets say Hamas did execute the six captives, I am not sure but lets say this is true, if they did I hope they go to Hell next to Netanyahu and all those like him, but lets say they did execute the six captives, look human beings have breaking points, I am sure all those who held these six captives had half of their own families their own children murdered by the Israelis, wise man once said, dont be too quick casting blame cuz you dont know what the other guy have been put through, and it is true, you calling the Palestinian resistance fighters evil, put yourself in their situation, 85 years of occupation, discrimination their land stolen being forced to live in an open door prison with no water electricity you have deprived them of their human dignity and did I forget to say half of their family members murdered, dont too quick to cast blame Kurbi, from a sailor to another, all sailors I have come across have been cool people, dont change the tradition please, the way this genocide stops is for Biden is to stop providing the bombs to Netanyahu and it will stop next day and everything will be fine, its that easy, Netanyahu is a piece of shit and everybody know it, you do too, fuck him, he is a never ending troublemaker he will sink any ship with him, if I were the Admiral I would have send him out getting wet swimming before I let him utter another word from him, you wouldnt tolerate him on your ship either, nobody would, throw him to the sharks let them clean up the sea from filth like that, thats what I would have done. 
