Niggun "We Want Moshiach Now"

3500 years later you now have the privileged opportunity to see with your own eyes the arrogance of the lost souls influenced by the Devil during Prophet Moses times when he was up in the mountain to receive the Commandments while these restless mindless soulless creatures making demands to the Creator how they want to get served by God telling Him as you can hear, (they dont want to wait, they want it NOW !) and repeat it over and over again like crying spoiled brats, if you have read the text, how did God deal with these human devil ? made them never reach the Holy Land till all the older generation was lost in the desert, I think we are about to see history repeat itself soon also remember, when their "mashiach comes, all you stupid goims, all you elected officials and other bootlickers all you ate Foxnews and Newsmax and others, their mashiach will make you realize your soul was from these three demonic realms and they will make you accept you are here to serve them, opps they dont need a mashiach for you to bend over to them, you are already serving them as their slaves lol, you are such morons, and you think the rest of the world will respect you, you think we are going to respect Biden Kamala and the rest of these slaves to these in the video, ohh no, you can forget about that, I serve no one but my Creator, you can serve the Devil till the day God send out for your souls, I think I made my case clear, we are on separate paths.
