Protesters flood Israel’s streets as pressure builds on Netanyahu to str...

Hamas or anyone keeping captives of their opponents value their price for several reasons, one is to bargain with them or they wouldnt have gone through the trouble to get them in the first place by risking their lives and we have seen the price Hamas have paid to get these Zionist captives so it makes no sense to waste them by executing them moreover, Hamas had had them on the list to get these specific captives released over the coming deal so again it doesnt make sense to waste them, what happened is IDF had them killed, IDF killed US citizens, and we know its not the first time either, USS Liberty, remember that one, they blamed Egypt but thanks to God were exposed over, there are countless of these false flag by the Zionist Israelis which these traitors at Foxnews Newsmax CNN and the rest of them traitors of the American people will go too hide the truth from while their killers walk free to conspire yet another false flag another crime against the American people. the American people need to go to the streets forget about political affiliations you need to go and protest these traitors, your worst enemies are within you, its not Hamas who has never attacked anyone outside their own native lands, they are resisting occupation by the Synagog of Satan, people who have no right to that land, people from lands from far away who got brainwashed to believe they originated from the Holy Land while they were originated from the land of Gog and Magog, this is how sinister the situation is, it is absolutely evil with what is going on, Evil is running havoc in not just the Holy Land but all over the world and his political ideology is called Zionism.
